A serious rethink about where production and distribution activities take place may need to be on the cards if New Zealand is to secure its foothold in the global economy. So says the sixth and latest in series of reports from the New Zealand Institute.
“So far yet so close: connecting New Zealand to the global economy” suggests two ways in which local companies can combat the tyranny of distance that bedevils so many of our economic endeavours.
Our business folk may need to face the, for some difficult, reality that setting up shop closer to end-consumers and international transport hubs makes sense. They may also want to invest in virtual supply chains through switching from physical means to communications technology, concludes the report.
•For more information go to www.nzinstitute.org
What would Scooby do?
If you want to learn how to be a great manager, get a DOG (Doctorate in Organisational Greatness), writes Steve Scott, as he points to eight lessons every leader can