Flexible working arrangements and work-life balance are being championed to address New Zealand’s tight labour market. Minister of Labour Ruth Dyson and Small Business Minister Lianne Dalziel have launched two business toolkits, based on achieving these practices, to help employers attract and retain staff.
“The toolkits represent the practical advice and experience of New Zealand business owners and managers whose staff have already been using flexible work, such as roster management, job sharing or working from home, to other employers now looking to introduce and manage flexible work and work-life balance arrangements,” says Dyson.
Dalziel adds that flexible work relationships can offer real benefits to small and medium-sized enterprises as well.
“Flexible workplaces are more than win/win but are in fact triple win – for the employer, the employee and the work team,” she says.
“Commitment and trust are two-way street. If you are committed to your employees they will return the favour because it develops personal relationship in which workers feel their needs are being taken seriously. In turn, this extra commitment by staff has lifted the level of customer service, and the reputation of the business.”
The two toolkits – one targeting small and medium-sized business, and the other designed for larger enterprises – were designed by the Department of Labour. They are available on the Department of Labour website www.dol.govt.nz.

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