UPFRONT Email evaluations

So is all this super-speed direct internet communication good or bad for business? Seems Kiwis aren’t too sure while their Aussie counterparts are even less positive.
Results from Grant Thornton survey checking global business use of email found that Kiwis spend about 1.2 hours day accessing or responding to email. This is below the global average of 1.5 hours and behind Australian business folk whose email usage averages 1.7 hours. Both fall well short of enthusiastic cyber chatters in the Philippines (2.1 hours) but are ahead of Russians, whose 0.8 hour average probably reflects lower internet access, and Japanese who limit themselves to an hour, possibly reflecting business culture that values personal contact.
As to the value of email to business, only 16 percent more New Zealanders think it has its financial benefits than those who think not. That positive balance is down to five percent for Australians, drops into negative five percent in Japan and whopping negative 61 percent in France.
Philippino users are most positive (their 76 percent positive balance possibly justifying the time they spend online) followed by Indian business owners whose positive balance is 70 percent.
The relatively low email usage in New Zealand could be attributed to the country’s reputation as fast technology adopters – they may already have moved on to mobile phone texting instead, suggests Grant Thornton’s New Zealand chairman Peter Sherwin.
Or maybe they’re just trying to sidestep the spammers.

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