The majority of employees would prefer to work, all other employment factors being equal, for company that supports good causes, according to an Australian survey.
The “Passion People” survey carried out by Cavil & Co with internet recruiter is one of the first independent efforts to explore how company’s involvement in charitable or community work impacts on the Aussie workforce. It found that 82 percent of 1100 respondents wanted to work for company with heart. Just over 60 percent said they’d like their company to do more to support worthy cause and there was little support for the notion that business and charity don’t mix.
As factor in attracting and retaining employers, it’s bigger issue for women – 62 percent of them say company’s reputation for supporting worthy causes is very important in terms of their decision to stay with that company (compared to 37 percent of the men). Quite number of respondents (41 percent) would even take job that paid less if it provided the chance to make difference to the community.
Two New Zealand companies (Hubbards and The Warehouse) were rated among the top five companies cited as being good corporate citizens.

Complex cyber threat environment reflected in NCSC report
A new report highlights that 7,122 cyber security incidents were recorded in NZ the year to 30 June 2024, 343 of which were triaged for specialist technical support because of