Twitter is a managers and leaders best resource for up to the minute news, insights and commentary on trends from top business leaders, publications and organisations. Invest some time to make sure you’re following the right tweeters and you’ll have the latest inspiration and ideas on tap.


Here are just some of our suggestions:



Wall Street Journal: @WSJ

Forbes: @Forbes

Fortune Magazine: @FortuneMagazine

The Economist: @TheEconomist

HBR: @HarvardBiz

HRM Online: @HRMOnline_NZ

People Management: @PeopleMgt

Management South Africa:@ManagementZA

Talent Management: @TalentMgtMag

CIO Online: @cioonline

FastCompany: @FastCompany

Huffington Post: @huffingtonpost

MIT Sloan Management Review: @MITsmr

McGraw-Hill Business: @MHBusiness

McKinsley Quarterly: @McKQuarterly


Management NZ: @managementNZ





Australian Institute of Management (AIM): @aimcomau

NZ Institute of Management (NZIM): @NZIM_Inc

Chartered Management Institute UK: @cmi_managers

The Institute of Leadership & Management UK: @ILM_UK

American Management Association: @AMAnet

Australian HR Institute: @AHRItweets

NZ Asian Leaders: @NZAsianLeaders 



Peter Drucker (fan page): @a_Drucker_a_Day

Arianna Huffington: @ariannahuff

Ken Blanchard: @kenblanchard

Stephen Covery: @StephenRCovey

Tom Peters: @tom_peters

Vineet Nayar: @vineetnayar


From New Zealand

Rod Drury: @roddrury

Bernard Hickey: @bernardchickey

Greg Savage: @greg_savage

Vaughan Rowsell: @rowsell



Who are some of your favourites? Add them in the comments below.

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Xero appoints new Chief People Officer

Xero has appointed Jeff Ryan as its Chief People Officer, to replace Nicole Reid, who has decided to leave Xero after six years. Ryan will be responsible for leading Xero’s people

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