Management December 2014

Cover Story 
Victoria Crone, NZ Managing Director, Xero
“Science and maths are seen as nerdy subjects – there’s a lack of understanding of the really cool things you can do in the tech space.”
How to lead like it matters: How managers, executives and CEOs can create a positive ‘ripple effect’ and make a real difference in their quest for success. 
Why Line Managers need to ditch the no.8 wire:“She’ll be right” and “no worries” are classic Kiwi mantras but are they really something to be proud of in our workplaces? 
Why information security is everybody’s business:Despite a company’s best endeavours, data breaches are more a question of when and how, rather than if. 
Managing employees in a social media technology workplace:Focus should not be on the technology but on how employees use social media. 
Most teams talk magnificently but only deliver modestly:Too often great team performance is sacrificed for self-interest or self-preservation.
Developing creativity in the world of work: Nurturing creativity in our teams, leaders and organisations for innovation. 
Lights, camera, action:The rise of video as a corporate business tool. 
The changing face of leadership: Insights from New Zealand leaders on how they see the leadership landscape. 
Leadership :Leadership lessons from a winter ski trip. 

People: Body odour, office affairs and Christmas shenanigans.

Diversity: Diversity delivers more than results.

Remuneration: Debate with prejudice? Try pay equity.

Success: Read your way to success.

Technology: Which smartphone is best for enterprise?


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Xero appoints new Chief People Officer

Xero has appointed Jeff Ryan as its Chief People Officer, to replace Nicole Reid, who has decided to leave Xero after six years. Ryan will be responsible for leading Xero’s people

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