June 26, 2005

UPFRONT Springing into action

How can local companies best keep up with rapidly changing markets and an obsolesence rate that will see an estimated 70 percent of today’s manufactured goods killed off by 2010?

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UPFRONT Management for life

The New Zealand Institute of Management has awarded two new Life Fellows – Cameron (Cam) Moore from Christchurch and Reg Birchfield from Auckland. Moore is director of his own company,

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UPFRONT It’s all in the timing

“If Saddam Hussein had understood the importance of timing strategy, he would have won the first Persian Gulf war.” To arrive at this conclusion, associate professor Stuart Albert of the

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UPFRONT Health & safety

Gavin Johnson, principal consultant on health and safety for NZIM, will be available in New Zealand during September/October for in-house consulting work and training assignments. Johnson, who normally resides in

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UPFRONT Believe it or not

It’s hard to imagine how local business not only survives but in many cases thrives in an environment where nearly two thirds of workers say they don’t trust the boss.

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UPFRONT Ask and you will get

More than one third of New Zealand businesses sought finance during the year to August 2004 and 90 percent got either some or all the money they requested. The inaugural

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TECH NOUS Image Conscious

There have been plenty of examples in recent times of individuals and organisations succumbing to an attack of “visual viruses” – otherwise known as inappropriate images in the workplace. Despite

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BOOKCASE Enough Said

Affluenza: When too much is never enough By: Clive Hamilton and Richard Denniss Publisher: Allen & Unwin Price: $29.99 Writing in the International Herald Tribune back in March, former Business

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POLITICS Labour’s Double Bind

The Government came into 2005 with two main selling points for this year’s election: the buoyant economy and credible claim to competence. Both lost traction during the autumn. The economy

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NZIM Teaching and Learning – They are not the same thing

The Government has set aside around $10 million to develop processes for improving the teaching competence of adult and tertiary teachers by establishing a national centre for tertiary teaching excellence. A task group called the Teaching Matters Forum has called for submissions on what is required. This article is based on what the New Zealand Institute of Management told the Forum such a centre needs.

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ECONOMICS Tinkering with Tax

Labour would have been smarting from the results of poll published few hours earlier, as this column was being prepared for the printer. The National Business Review-Phillips Fox poll put

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