June 16, 2014


Management and NZBusiness – The Power of 2!

The New Zealand Institute of Management has negotiated a new publishing partnership with Auckland-based Adrenalin Publishing to resume publishing one of the country's most iconic and influential professional magazines – New Zealand Management.

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Our productivity paradox

New Zealand managers must lift their game to garner productivity gains from new technologies, according to an OECD study released by the New Zealand Productivity Commission this month.

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Banks & banana skins

New Zealand and Australian banks are worried about regulation, pricing risk, political interference, Australasia’s economic environment and their own sales and business practices according to a PricewaterhouseCoopers global report entitled Banking Banana Skins 2014.

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Tenure versus talent

Kiwi chief executives hang around longer than their American counterparts. A New Zealand-based study conducted by executive recruitment firm SEQEL Partners puts the average New Zealand CEO’s tenure at 6.4 years. 

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Still recovering

New Zealand’s economy continues to strengthen, according to the ASB Quarterly Economic Forecasts released this week. Increased construction activity and higher dairy incomes are driving the recovery.

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Sustainable legislation

Many New Zealand businesses will only commit to more sustainable management practices if the government legislates for them to do so, according to a multi-pronged analysis of Kiwi businesses carried out by Waikato University.

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Frog Intrapreneur Breakfast Series

Eighty of Auckland’s inspiring business leaders, decision makers and influencers will hear two speakers debate ‘The Rise of New Leadership’, during the latest Frog Recruitment iNTRAPRENEUR Breakfast meeting. Limited tickets

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Fine Food NZ (NZ's only truly international food & hospo show) returns from 22 – 24 June, and will be showcasing the best and most innovative products and services to

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Robotic responses

Ethically speaking, organisational New Zealand rates among the world’s best behaved. This reputational ranking exists despite the appallingly bent governance that killed the country’s finance sector and a few too many recent examples of questionable leadership practices in the private, public and political arenas.

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Eagle Awards 6

NZIM re-energises

Christchurch-based Canterbury District Health Board executive Dan Coward has been re-elected chairman of NZIM. Deputy chair is fellow director and 2012 NZIM/Eagle Technology Young Executive of the Year and general manager – sales and marketing of Wellington-based Medical Assurance Society, Glenys Talivai (picture).

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NZIM’s leadership imperative

“New Zealand businesses are insufficiently prepared to turn the promise and opportunities facing them into the success stories we need to make a real and lasting difference to our economy, society and personal wellbeing,” NZIM chief executive Gary Sturgess recently told an International Pacific College (IPC) Tertiary Institute presentation in Palmerston North.

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