Bookcase Tom, June and Amanda

By: Tom Peters
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley
Price: $55 (Hardback)

Imagine it. Tom Peters has, as he puts it, “cranked out” book number 11.
But, this is book with difference. For design conservative like me, it took bit of getting used to. It is, as another reviewer suggested, something of cross between Wired magazine and management text book. Persevere. The surfeit of red type, photographs (there are 80 of Peters himself), disjointed lines, icons and hard-to-read-through screens eventually become just so much wallpaper. Beneath it you will discover entertainment, interpretation and perception in roughly equal measure.
This is regular ‘dip-in-and-scan-me’ sort of book that helps you Re-imagine! the world of modern management according to nowadays more iconoclastic Tom Peters. He wrote it because, he says, he was “pissed off” and all today’s innovation comes, “not from market research or carefully crafted focus groups” but from people of similar disposition.
The book is “rant” and “rave” about management and enterprise. But it is also cleverly crafted collection of opinion and interpretation of key business, economic and leadership trends and ideas that does not so much insist on acceptance, but rather invite thoughtful reaction. It is Peters at his provocative best.
Re-imagine! is colourful, in every sense of the word. But it is also helpful and hopeful. It defies meaningful review. It requires personal experience. I suspect I shall have it beside me for the next year or so to irritate, provoke and occasionally help me re-imagine the way things are, might be or will never be but should be thought about. Reviewed by Reg Birchfield

Woman 2 Woman
By: Amanda Ellis, June McCabe
Publisher: Random House
Price: $29.95

Linda Head was in her thirties and an army officer when bad accident became the catalyst to pursue her own passion for healing by becoming doctor — qualification that had once seemed beyond her reach, as she explains.
“I grew up in the Niuean community in Porirua and no one in our family even thought of going to University.”
Her story is one of many touched on in Woman 2 Woman — densely packed, New Zealand-focused business book. An encouraging mix of inspiration, information and determination, it is bulging with local success stories along with bundle of tips on how to emulate that success.
The book is rich mix of experiences from more than 70 women who have made it in such diverse areas as politics, law, finance, design, health, sport, media, Maoridom, farming and even “joyology”.
All have their own particular take on what it takes to succeed on their own terms – and simultaneously feed both body and soul. It’s bit of pocket/handbag mentor.
It is readable if ploughed through from start to end, but equally accessible if dipped into by topic to answer questions like: Am I in the right job? What do I really want? Could I get my own business up and running? How about business finance or business systems? Where can I get help? How best to balance work with family life?
Any woman, or man, who can’t find at least one bit of useful advice or information in the book’s 340 pages probably isn’t looking hard enough.
Woman 2 Woman is sponsored by Westpac Bank and both authors are, or were, associated with the bank. Amanda Ellis, now with the World Bank, was Westpac Australia’s head of women’s markets; June McCabe is director of corporate affairs for Westpac NZ. The book will be in the shops by March. It can be ordered now on 0800 400 600 or at Reviewed by Vicki Jayne

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