COVER STORY Finding the best fit – How to plan for succession
Succession planning is lot more than the latest HR buzz phrase – it is increasingly business critical. So why doesn’t it get the attention it deserves? by Vikki Bland
WOMEN IN MANAGEMENT Gender equality – Is it myth?
New Zealand may boast some high profile women leaders – but the reality is that fewer females are making it to senior management ranks. Vicki Jayne asks: why the slippage? And what’s the business fallout?
FACE TO FACE Lynda Reid – Communicating vision
Imagine hosting your clients’ grandparents for the day. Each of them there to check your performance against their own internal scorecard. That’s just one of the balancing acts Lynda Reid has to perform as principal of St Cuthbert’s College. by Kevin Lawrence
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS The ties that bind – Indian business: Indian style
To what extent has management become an homogenous commodity in our joined up world? And what space is left for the cultural nuances of the country in which it is practiced? Ruth Le Pla looks at management Indian-style.
EXPORT CASE STUDY ICPbio – An added value story
It could be described as poster child for the export potential of New Zealand’s biotech sector – except ICPbio is already teenager and well launched on its big OE. What’s driving its growth? by Vicki Jayne
MARKET RESEARCH How to question market research
To get the best bang for their market research buck, CEOs need to understand its potential and its limits. Jonathan Dodd explains how to ask the smart questions.
INVESTMENT Saving grace – Investing for the future
Ten years from now, will you be set up for life? Vikki Bland takes look at the New Zealand investment scene in 2007.
EXECUTIVE LEARNING Learning curves – Great expectations
New behaviours. Heightened confidence. Specific skills and learnings. new mindset. bunch of useful contacts for the career ahead. by Steve Hart
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