Executive Update eNewsletter

The weekly newsletter for thought leaders 1st October 2010

The long-awaited tax tonic

Income tax cuts which take effect from today are worth celebrating, not just because they put more money into our bank accounts but because they are part of fundamental shift in our tax system which will be beneficial to business. And if you haven’t already worked out what sort of pay rise you will be getting, handy website enables you to do just that at click of mouse.
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Now for some more sobering news

Today’s tax changes may be step in the right direction but there’s still plenty to do according to the New Zealand Institute’s NZahead report card, released yesterday, on social, economic and environmental measures. This rates New Zealand as an average “C” performer in comparison with other OECD countries, although we get B- for effort.
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How NOT to manage crisis

The case of Tony Hayward, who steps down as CEO of BP this month, and the Gulf Oil Spill, will be fodder for business school discussions for years to come, as how-not-to-do-it guide for leadership when disaster strikes. Rosabeth Moss Kanter, one of Harvard University’s most high profile professors and author of Confidence and SuperCorp, dissects where Hayward went wrong.
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Make your mark on leadership thinking

There has been strong New Zealand response to survey that offers executives and companies the opportunity to benchmark their leadership capability against other Australasian and global businesses. Organisations wanting to participate in and benefit from the information provided by one of the world’s most comprehensive and authoritative studies of leadership and leadership development need to do so within the next two weeks.
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Good bosses tune into their people

“Bosses matter,” says Stanford management professor Bob Sutton. Among other things, bad ones can kill you: study found that their subordinates had up to 40 percent more heart attacks than people who had good bosses.
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The Last Word: Sir Stephen Tindall

“As long as I can remember, New Zealand has borrowed more than it earns. If you can create business like The Warehouse with lots of surpluses then, you can also create country that has them. It is simply matter of smart thinking and dedication to your plans and then delivering on those plans. The old adage holds true. Out of 10, count one point for the plan and nine for the execution.

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Xero appoints new Chief People Officer

Xero has appointed Jeff Ryan as its Chief People Officer, to replace Nicole Reid, who has decided to leave Xero after six years. Ryan will be responsible for leading Xero’s people

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