A helping hand for businesses going global

It aims to accelerate the learning process for the internationalisation of these firms and improve their prospects of global success.

Economic Development Minister Gerry Brownlee said research undertaken by the Ministry of Economic Development earlier this year showed New Zealand businesses lagged behind other countries in adopting the management “mindset” needed to succeed globally. “If we are to improve productivity, and therefore economic growth, we need to improve the capability of New Zealand managers and executives doing business overseas.”

A consortium, made up of The University of Auckland Business School, business growth centre The ICEHOUSE, and United States-based Thunderbird School of Global Management (currently rated first in the world for executive education by the Wall Street Journal) is to design and deliver programmes to help managers improve their global management and leadership skills.

NZTE expects to rollout 12-month pilot programme by mid-2011 and will be selecting 15 to 20 companies to participate in it. For more information visit http://www.nzte.govt.nz/

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