AS I SEE IT: Frazer Scott

Frazer Scott is the director of business management for Microsoft’s entertainment and devices division. He is responsible for driving the organisational planning process, execution of key projects, and coordinating management reporting of the business. He also serves as part of global business management community and provides input into global organisational process and development.

How would you describe the New Zealand identity?
I think it’s lot more diverse than what we would historically identify with, and constantly changing. The traditional view of the Kiwi identity, the quintessential Speight’s southern man – hardworking, number 8 wire, punching above our weight – is simplistic and antiquated.
New Zealand is young, but maturing and evolving. What was once colonial outpost is being shaped by Pacific Island, Asian and even South African influences. Ironically, Maori culture has bigger impact on our identity today than ever. Think about how we sing the national anthem, and the Maori influence on tattoos and cuisine. We have stopped looking overseas for our identity, and started to look within, and I think that’s brilliant.

What will be our next major challenge?
A lot of people are of course focused on the current economic environment and how we get through it, but I don’t think we are focused enough on attitude. We’re not country that celebrates success so much as we vilify failure. Plus, we have very parochial view of our world. I’m Cantabrian living in Auckland – I know how people feel about this city, and it’s not only wrong, but it’s actually self-destructive. Our biggest challenge is to learn to aspire to success, not resent it. I think an attitude for success is going to be paramount for us to accelerate out of this cycle as fast as possible.

What do we need to do to prepare ourselves for this?
It’s about choice and choosing to have positive view. Engage in healthy competition where the focus is positive outcome. Celebrate your success and the success of others. Use competition as way to motivate people. We also need to be pragmatic, but daring to hope. I think that reflects the type of attitude I’m talking about.

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