April 25, 2009


Cashflow is the biggest challenge facing New Zealand’s small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) this year, according the new research of 44,000 businesses conducted jointly by Bizzone (organiser of the

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Geoff Vazey, Wes Bernard Christchurch City Holdings has appointed two new directors to two of its subsidiary companies. Vazey, currently professional director, brings commercial and governance experience to the board

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ORGANISATION STRUCTURE: The Life Cycle Of An Organisation

Gordon Davidson details the life cycle of organisations and the “critical transition points” faced as an organisation grows from its early beginnings as a small business to a mid-sized organisation and then in the case of some, to a large, mature business. At each transition point there are growth and structural challenges that the organisation must successfully confront and resolve before it can safely move on to the next phase of its growth and development.

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Bonus is the Latin word for good, though you would hardly get that impression from reading the financial press recently. Everyone is feeling the pain and cynicism abounds. It is likely that your company’s current bonus programme is now hopelessly unachievable, indeed irrelevant in the present circumstances. So what do you do about bonuses for this year? And what do you do when the economy starts to pick up again?

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The sky is not falling on our heads; it’s certainly challenging out there but staying positive will make huge difference in this difficult economic climate. Whether you’re large or small

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VOLATILITY: Managing In Volatile Times

In the third instalment of Deloitte’s five-part series on how to ride out the recession, Matthew Hitch talks about the importance of making sure the foundations of your business are secure in an uncertain recessionary environment.

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ECONOMICS: Spreading The Good Word

Economic forecasters – quarter by quarter – have been ticking down their growth expectations for New Zealand as the domestic recession persists and the international recession widens. The NZIER’s March

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COVER STORY: High Tech, High Hopes – Transforming New Zealand

High-tech companies turn ideas into high-value products – and they could turn New Zealand into a more prosperous and lively place to live. So says Paul Callaghan, the country’s most distinguished physicist and newest business prophet. His Wool to Weta thesis is certainly turning heads in a time of deepening recession.

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AS I SEE IT: Frazer Scott

Frazer Scott is the director of business management for Microsoft’s entertainment and devices division. He is responsible for driving the organisational planning process, execution of key projects, and coordinating management

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Base salaries for chief executives continued to rise ahead of the annual inflation rate in 2008, with median increase of 5.2 percent on the previous year, according to Sheffield’s latest

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The intricacies of the Resource Management Act were swapped for Rules of Engagement when Duncan Cotterill’s leading Nelson specialist Camilla Owen visited the Solomon Islands to see her colleague, Lieutenant

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