A strong line up of experts in the fields of business, corporate analysis and governance make up the judging panel for the 2010 Deloitte/Management magazine Top 200 Awards.
Two new judges will bring fresh perspective to the main Top 200 awards. They are Janine Smith, senior board member, lecturer and principal of governance consultancy The Boardroom Practice, and Neil Paviour-Smith, managing director of Forsyth Barr.
They join Roger Kerr of Asia-Pacific Risk, who has served on the panel for several years, and NZ Management magazine consulting editor Reg Birchfield, who will be the facilitating judge.
For the Young Executive of the Year Awards, the judging panel is Reg Birchfield; Leadership NZ chair and former CEO of the Auckland Regional Council, Jo Brosnahan; Dave Larsen, general manager of Rayglass Boats, who was last year’s winner; and Helen Robinson, Markit’s global managing director for environmental markets.
In the new Responsible Governance section, judges will be governance expert and author Rodger Spiller; Doug Matheson, consultant and former chief executive of Wellington City Council; and Reg Birchfield. Canberra-based Duncan Paterson, of CAER – Corporate Analysis, Enhanced Responsibility – joins the panel this year as consulting judge.

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