INTOUCH : Executive Pulse

Business decision makers think climate change is problem to be dealt with now or urgently (77 percent, compared with all New Zealanders 77 percent), want New Zealand to be global leader on climate change (47 percent/49 percent), agree there should be an emissions trading scheme (60 percent/58 percent) and that large emitters should pay (71 percent/70 percent). They also agree (69 percent) that emitters should be given extra emissions credits until overseas competitors face price on carbon.
However, just two percent of business decision makers support the current emissions credit policy to provide emission credit support until 2030. Only one percent of all respondents agree.

If large emitters are assisted with special emission credit allocations, for how long should this assistance be given?

Business decision makers (managers, proprietors, self-employed)
A. N/A They should not be given assistance20%
B. Until 201216%
C. Until 202011%
D. Until 20252%
E. Until 20302%
F. Until 20500%
G. Until other competitors pay price on carbon43%

Representative population sample 2404
A. N/A They should not be given assistance18%
B. Until 201216%
C. Until 202013%
D. Until 20253%
E. Until 20301%
F. Until 20501%
G. Until other competitors pay price on carbon39%

Source: ShapeNZ national online panel May 8-12, 2008. Sample size 2404, weighted by age, gender, personal income, employment status, party vote 2005. Maximum margin of error 2 percent on national sample, 3.9 percent on business sample.
ShapeNZ is operated by the New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development. and

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