INTOUCH : A Wake-Up Call for Managers

A keynote address from Roland Jahnke, director of multi-billion-dollar global logistics company Deutsche Post World Net (DPWN), may be just what New Zealand managers need to hear to help lift their game and profit in spite of the economic doldrums.
As the country yearns to play catch-up in OECD productivity rankings, the need for quality management is greater than ever, says NZ Organisation for Quality (NZOQ) general manager Helen Baines, announcing that Jahnke, the German director of the world’s largest logistics company, DPWN, will be among an exclusive line-up of speakers at ‘learn-share-grow 2008’, being held 22-24 October.
“There is an urgency in New Zealand to lift the capability of managers. Now, more than ever, we need managers who can project and grow their business sustainably on globally competitive stage,” Baines says. “That is big part of the learn-share-grow 2008 conference.”
Jahnke, regarded as leading expert in business excellence for postal and express companies around the world, will be one of 27 speakers attending the two-day conference in Queenstown.
“We’re delighted to have secured the support of such high calibre of professionals for learn-share-grow 2008. ‘Quality, Productivity and Sustainability’ are the conference’s key themes assuring delegates an extensive array of insightful and business-relevant topics,” Baines says.
Jahnke’s keynote address, “Sustainability – Facing the Challenges of Global Logistics”, will focus on the unprecedented redesign of DPWN over the past few years. As result of this redesign, Deutsche Post has moved from fiscally deficient national agency, with public service structures, to highly profitable global player with an expanded product portfolio. The DPWN group, which lists 520,000 employees in over 220 countries, is the sixth largest employer in the world and recorded total earnings of over US$106 billion in 2006.
Also presenting keynote address at the conference, Sarah Benjamin, from Vanguard Consulting in the United Kingdom, will speak on “Systems Thinking for Service Organisations”.
Vanguard – which draws on the principles of the Toyota Production System – helps organisations move from command-and-control to systems-thinking approach to the design and management of work. Other speakers will present papers covering topics including “Can Lean Six Sigma Improve Productivity in NZ Organisations?”, “Quality Challenges in the Not-For-Profit Sector”, and “Facing Sustainable Challenges – From the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to Carbon Footprints in Supply Chains”.

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