In nutshell, she says:
• Developments in mobile communications, social networking, and systems software will continue to drive demand for people with IT skills.
• As populations get older and fatter we’ll need more healthcare professionals. That’s not just doctors, radiological technicians, and physical and inhalation therapists, but also more support staff.
• The ongoing critical shortage of engineers is set to continue. Civil and industrial engineers will be in especially high demand.
• In fact, anyone with industrial skills is very employable. Expect to see more people landing jobs if they’ve got logistics, supply-chain management or plant management skills or experience.
• Life sciences and biotech will provide another pocket of prosperity.
• There’s significant dearth of professional salespeople.
• Believe it or not, the world’s learning institutions still aren’t pumping out enough accountants and finance professionals. Demand is growing for forensic accountants and compliance specialists, in particular.
• Unlike their more pricey cousins in the recession-hit retail sector, discount stores have flourished. Gioia says most of these retailers are looking to hire managers and instore personnel.
• Finally, private equity firms are out hunting for management talent for their portfolio companies.
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