New Zealand, the lucky country

New Zealand, the lucky country
Aotearoa, land of divine memory
where Papatuanuku and Rangi
lovers of land, sky and sea
progenitors of

Yes – NZ’s lucky country

Lucky, the brothers were restless sons
Lucky, they warred even when dark had won
Lucky, they longed for the light of the sun
and the warmth of the open air.
Lucky, Tane was the heart-led son
fighting for bloodless resolution
Lucky, he had the strength to stand
and pry his parents apart.

E iki, e iki e!
Te turou o Whiti!
Hiki nuku e!
Hiki rangi e!
Hiki nuku e!
Hiki rangi e!
Ka hikitia tona uril
Ka hapainga tona uri!

Lucky the lovers loved so much
Missing the caress of each other’s touch
for Rangi cries tears from the sky so freely
and Papa’s fecund soil’s so healing

giving us Tane-Mahuta’s forests of jade green
rivers, lakes, underground springs
a green belt round the nation’s hips
kissed all over by Moana’s blue lips
from Te Wai Pounamu to Te Ika o Maui;
Greenstone to fishtail – lucky, lucky country

See the Pohutakawa blush deeply
along cliff edges rising steeply
where the dead depart for Hawaiki
from Cape Reinga to Rakiura’s sea

Yes, NZ’s lucky country
If you’re not Tangata Whenua
Your Tangata Tiriti
Whether British, South African or Somali
Chinese, Indian, or Israeli
We’ve got the diversity
no ethnic cleansing policy –
Well, except for around 1833
that ‘infected blanket’ strategy
Britain’s ‘Manifest Destiny’
Takingland by
the historical platform for Maori
fighting land wars, foreshores, Bastion Pointing the way
to O, blessed Tiriti o Waitangi
setting fire in your belly
against paternalistic tyranny
Just do it said Sir Tipene
Way before Nike

Yes – NZ’s lucky country
This land, home to tauiwi
From 1858 Wellington Guajarati
to Al Wendt’s flying fox in freedom tree
Pule’s tapatalk canvassed ten metres by three
where 250 thousand at Western Springs
drink deep from the well:
Samoans, Tongans and Kiribati
Fijians, Rotumans, those from Tahiti
and the fusion from Niue to Scottish Highlanders
makes Fij-ongans, Raro-moans, and Pakeha-islanders

We had our Muldoon but he was no Mugabe
we’re fourth in the world with the least political conspiracy
we wear our sloganed t-shirts freely
In Queen street I see:
Politicians are the same all over
They promise bridge where there is no river

And this one, from Taupo, down by the lake:
In NZ anyone can be Prime Minister –
it’s risk you take

NZ’s lucky country
Where our birth-right civic duty
Lets you vote, or not – it’s free
There’s no one purple finger vote
No machete held at your family’s throat
No AK47 to persuade you at the polls
No standing in the dust, waving the same flag as the presidential Rolls

NZ’s lucky country
We’re inconvenient geography
No land-locked topography
We’re far but close enough to see
That our dairy economy
Makes the milk, in this land of honey
Kiwi-Shakespeare shearing in farming families
Gumboot brigading, black singlet parading
No. 8 wire mentality
In Enterprise and Industry
Fred Dagg haggling in the city

And we’ve got water like no other
Wind turbines and solar power
– And Antarctica: Terra Incognito
Our polar explorers – our global heroes
It’s land of opportunity
Hard work meeting synchronicity
Where we can still think differently
‘Cos we’re Te Moana Nui Kiwa’s Kiwis
Totara waka parked next to chromed humvee
Next to Vespa next to Cooper’s mini
where beaching beauty’s for free:
Reservations of canvas teepees
Jandals flip-flopping
Rachel Hunter tip-topping
Bare feet lapping the sea
Stamping our Holy ozone CV
Bro’town cartooning our TVs
Eagle vs. shark mentality
Jim Baxter’s Jersalumming it in Ponsonby
Sam Hunt’s DB Bitter poetry
Mansfield’s Devonshire scones over cuppa tea
Corduroy jacket dignitaries
Swarming hive blue-suited bees

Yep, NZ’s lucky country
It’s plucky country
Cuba street busking, husking money
Where you can buy McDs and KFC
next to pork bones, puha, and palusami
taro, kumara and chopsuey
swirling Indian curries
Korean woking – no msg
in this free market of inclusivity
and we do so good globally

Didn’t the All Whites do all right in the World Cup 20-10?
Winston Reid did the deed, and we all remember when

NZ’s lucky country when
Our nation’s greatest anomaly
Is the freedom ‘to be’ or ‘not to be’
To be nouveau culture or customary
To walk with burqa or face and hair free
Low cost education high school to kindy
Hospitals, recycling, and libraries

NZ’s lucky country,
But like Sir Tipene and Sir Paul Reeves
We’ve got to horizon-seek
Otherwise it’s ‘Goodnight Kiwi’
And everything we think is free
Lies hostage to world economy
We need inter-generationality
For our fossil fuels and energy
In this land of space, water, and sea

We need bit of Hillary
Who, like everyone else, had fear of heights
and knocked the bastard off’ anyway

When we grow up
We will learn to do the same
Yes wewill.

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