NZ gets ‘average’ rating – again

The interactive web-based report rates the country across 16 measures. Together they track New Zealand’s social, economic and environmental wellbeing.

“These are long term measures that take time to respond to strategy change, policy responses and implementation,” the institute says.

The NZahead report card can be viewed at

If pressed for time, check out the summary of changes which shows trends and comparisons, and outlines what’s being done to improve outcomes.

To join in the NZahead discussions on Facebook:

For the New Zealand Institute of Management’s take on it all, see NZIM’s page in NZ Management’s December 2011 issue. This will be released at the Deloitte/Management magazine Top 200 Awards on November 24.


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New appointment to Christchurch Airport board

Christchurch Airport has announced the appointment of Meg Matthews to its board of directors. The airport says Matthews brings more than 20 years of senior management experience across key business areas, including

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