Now in its seventh year, the TIN100 Industry Analysis report by Auckland-based private company Technology Investment Network snapshots the performance of New Zealand’s top 100 technology firms.
Their overall performance returned to pre-GFC levels. Strongest growth came from companies with revenues of $50 to $90 million.
This year, the top 100 technology companies pushed their combined exports past the $5 billion mark on the back of good growth in both Australia and Asia.
Speaking at the Tin100 report launch, leading scientist Sir Paul Callaghan pointed out the technology sector brings in half the amount of money as our agricultural sector and is growing faster.
In the latest report, Konnect Net heads this year’s list of hot emerging tech companies, having catapulted sales by 1200% to $7.8 million in 2011.
Also on the same list: Xero hiked its sales 185% to $6.27 million; Diligent Board Member Services (66% growth to $3.29 million) and Biomatters (150% growth to $1.8 million).
NZ Management’s December issue news section will run more on the TIN100 report.
To buy copy of the report: [email protected]