Six stages of e-government

(table 1.1) (Source: Deloitte Consulting)
Stage one: Government departments establish websites that provide the public with information.

Stage two: Using legally valid digital signatures, customers can submit personal information to and conduct monetary transactions with individual departments.

Stage three: Portals give customers access to single entry point to send and receive information and process monetary transactions across multiple departments.

Stage four: Users can customise portals with desired features and government gets more accurate read on customer preference for electronic versus non-electronic service options.

Stage five: Once disparate services are packaged through portal that clusters services along common lines to accelerate the delivery of shared services.

Stage six: What started as digital encyclopedia is now full service centre. Technology is integrated across the new enterprise to bridge the shortened gap between front and back office.
e-government in action
Best examples

? New Zealand Government online website: ( Search engine for government agencies.
? Companies office website: ( businesses can register new company via the Internet.
? Statistics New Zealand website: ( comprehensive statistical information about New Zealand.
? Te Kete Ipurangi website: (, an online learning centre for teachers, parents and students.
? Kiwi Careers online website: ( It addresses the strategic needs of upskilling New Zealanders.
? Inland Revenue online website: ( Online processing of tax returns.
? Customs New Zealand website: ( Puts business processes (customs clearances…) online.
? Fines payment website: (, under construction, will let people pay fines online.

New Zealand findings (Source: At the Dawn of e-Government
The citizen as customer, Deloitte Research)
? 48 percent see technology as solution to improving customer service.
? 54 percent consider the Internet as solution to improving customer service.
? 83 percent say their organisations have undertaken re-engineering to improve customer service in the last two years.
? 75 percent have customer relationship management processes.
? Of employees hired in the last two years for customer service positions, 76 percent were customer-facing, nine percent were managerial.
? 50 percent say that staff expertise is the key enabler to successfully improving customer service.

Where’s the $28 million being spent?
? $18 million for information and communication technology in education.
? $9.5 million goes to Trade New Zealand to fund its e-commerce strategy. Specific budget allocations to promote e-commerce include:
? $225,000 year for two years to develop national electronic commerce strategy.
? $169,000 year for four years “to harmonise” law on electronic commerce.
? $100,000 year for four years to address electronic commerce-related consumer protection issues. Part of this would go to the development of model code for consumer protection in e-commerce for adoption by Internet traders.

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