UPfront: A supply chain of dollars

Dispatching employees to leadership course in Supply Chain Management (SCM) has earned some Auckland companies thousands of dollars in cost savings before the course is even half-way through.

The New Zealand Institute of Management in Auckland launched its five-module SCM diploma course last September and its first students had to take on some practical work related to procurement management practices during December and January.

All were able to identify potential cost benefits to their employers. In three cases, the potential benefits exceeded $100,000 of annual savings in procurement expenses or costs – and all three have identified practical and real opportunities for their employers to action the changes and lock in savings.

This represents return to employers of 20 times the cost of the course, says NZIM Auckland general manager Stig Ehnbom.

“It also underlines the huge value of our practical work-based learning approach which is the hallmark of the new generation of management learning programmes introduced in 2003.”

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