UPFRONT: World-class Vision

The New Zealand Institute of Management intends to be the lead body in New Zealand setting management qualification standards, says NZIM chief executive David Chapman in his annual review.

NZIM is working with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) on the Management Development and Advisory Council (MDAC), group of leading business people who have come together under acting chairman Doug Matheson. Its vision states that: “New Zealand will achieve by 2006 world-class governance and management education, practice and performance.”

The council is currently working on the critical success drivers, key objectives and performance indicators. They are also working on the establishment of Steering Group which will be asked to undertake much of the work to achieve the vision and strategic intent.
NZIM qualifications continue to be among the most sought after management qualifications in New Zealand. The Institute recorded nearly 12,000 paper registrations for the certificate and diploma qualifications last year.

The number of secondary schools registered to teach the Enterprise Certificate in Management increased to 100 in 2001. The qualification offers new opportunities for students who would like to study for career in business and management. The qualification also fits the profile of the NCEA (National Certificate in Educational Achievement).

NZIM has also signed an agreement with the New Zealand Army to give soldiers and NCOs credit transfer into the NZIM Certificate in Management and the NZIM Diploma in Management. There is requirement to study other nominated papers for these qualifications and currently over 200 soldiers have registered for this programme.

Development work continued on the NZIM Small Business Entrepreneurs Certificate and options on how best to deliver the mentoring service component of the programme, including the introduction of qualified mentor’s certificate, are now being considered. The Institute is also reviewing the content of the NZIM Certificate in Small Business and draft is out for wider consultation.

In conjunction with the Aviation, Travel and Tourism Training Organisation, NZIM introduced new Diploma in Tourism Management based on the NZIM Diploma in Management. This was received very positively by both the industry and providers.

“Perhaps the most exciting development of the past 12 months has been the work undertaken with the Australian Institute of Management to introduce into New Zealand the Australian Frontline Manager Programme. This programme is based on 11 management competencies and is available for delivery in house and through public programmes and leads to qualification approved by the Australian Framework and ultimately the NZQA Register in New Zealand,” says Chapman.

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