Compatible world standards will evolve in
engineering, manufacturing, commercial law, management techniques, accounting, lending and underwriting methods, advertising etc. However, uniformity shouldn’t be mistaken for standard products, says Kiplinger. Successful companies will constantly modify products and create new ones.

Tech-savvy tycoons
A new generation of corporate execs more tech-savvy than their predecessors, will ask tougher questions from technology.
Growing clout of institutional investors
This group will take an even stronger interest in management and social policies of corporations than they do now.
In deciding which stocks to own they will take positions that combine their fiduciary responsibility with sense of responsibility to society.
Portable CEOs
CEOs will move around more, staying shorter periods at the helm, due to their own ambitions, burnout or the dissatisfaction of their boards with their performance. This mobility will keep both boards and recruiters busy.
The rise of the CIO
Timely information about what’s happening around the nation and around the world will be key success factor.
This will give rise to the power of corporate information specialists and teams headed by CIOs — chief information officers.
Challenges to high pay
A backlash, driven by institutional shareholders and shareholders rights organisations, will emerge against lavish pay packets, especially if earnings soften. However, so long as the company’s earnings are growing and most shareholders are happy with their returns then the CEO’s pay, rich as it is, looks like relative bargain.
Diversity in senior management
Global companies will hire and promote talented managers with no regard for race, sex or nationality.

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