Advertorial: Corporate video showcase

In association with PURE


Technology, the great disruptor, is changing the way the world does business and perhaps nowhere is this more evident than in the area of corporate communications.

The cost of getting people together today is significant; add the loss of productive time, and the fact that today’s workforce finds sitting and being talked at unappealing, and it’s easy to see why video has emerged as the successful alternative. It’s cost-effective, engaging and more importantly, allows the message to be moulded and perfected for maximum effectiveness.

“Using video can be a huge saving for larger corporations,” says Jamie McKenzie, executive producer of Auckland-based video production agency PURE. “Not only are there savings in not getting people to one location at a certain time, particularly where cross-Tasman companies are concerned, but video can be viewed and re-viewed time after time, anywhere in the world.”

He points out that the CEO of a large corporate who undertakes a quarterly road-show to a number of locations, is using up weeks of time. “The same individual need spend just a few hours a quarter to implement a perfectly sculpted video update. We’ve assisted a number of CEOs across Australasia to introduce and use video both internally and externally. Not only are the time savings obvious but there are also savings in dollars and energy.”

After close to two decades in the industry, PURE founder McKenzie says improved technology is another contributor to growth in the demand for corporate videos.
“Distribution is also simpler, smart phones now enabling employees to view video content anytime, anywhere.”

Corporate videos today cover a wide range of topics for use both within a company and externally. These include video newsletters and updates, HR messaging, product and service updates and training, health and safety messages, and corporate event coverage. Professional quality video is also essential for television and online advertising, product promotion and demonstrations. “At PURE, we notice time and time again that once corporates understand the power and potential of video, they quickly realise how many uses it can have within an organisation and the outstanding results it can produce.”

For McKenzie the emotive impact of video is hugely important. “Internal communications in large corporates can be rather dry and dull. The tone and creative approach of a well produced video can be highly emotive. At PURE we understand that to empower change within an organisation you need to encourage people to care. Video can play a massive role and we’ve worked with a large number of corporates to implement new systems, values and ethics within the organisation.”

For the team at PURE, producing effective, professional video content means working with executives and management to assist in the scripting and creative approach, and managing all aspects of the production – then making the filming process as painless as possible. “Many executives are excellent public speakers and present well to large numbers of staff, but they can struggle when the camera is turned on them. We have a number of techniques to ensure they come across in a tone and manner that fits their role, message and personality.

“We believe in authentic communications. Using real people is important – the people who work in an organisation; over the years we’ve interviewed and directed thousands of executives and staff and we work hard to ensure they give their best on camera.”

McKenzie admits producing a corporate video doesn’t come cheap but says they understand this and work to provide not just powerful communications but measureable results to demonstrate a return on investment.

PURE also understands the importance of communication that targets all levels. “Sometimes upper management can overlook the lower end of the workforce when these are actually the people that most need encouragement and motivation. This is where video can be an excellent tool.”

PURE works across a wide range of sectors and industries, from charities and communications companies to finance, manufacturing, and FMCG. Their clients include an impressive range of corporates and brands, local and international, all of which enjoy their exceptional expertise and standards, plus a valuable understanding of corporate expectations and people, honed over more than a decade in business.

“At PURE we’ve a reputation for building and sculpting video communications that have an impact in an authentic and empowering way. We’re not just a video production agency, we’re a company that works on a deeper level with clients to assist them overcome their obstacles and challenges and achieve their goals using video as a tool.”


In association with Real TV

Empowering individuals and transforming organisations through video

If you’re looking to connect with your customers, create agile teams that can adapt to change, or build trust in your leadership team then emotionally engaging communication is critical. By Kim Goodhart and Reuben Pillsbury.

Corporate video has traditionally been little more than a memo set to pictures, one-way traffic for top-down communication telling everyone what’s expected of them. Whilst it might be efficient, and occasionally entertaining, it does little to inspire hearts and minds. However, there’s a new approach to video arising from the way businesses’ are now operating; one that transforms mind-sets, igniting internal motivation, where employees and customers are included as active participants in building their own story.

Organisations are increasingly becoming more people focused. The zero sum game, with only profit at its core, is on the wane – primarily because businesses with a holistic outlook, that genuinely care about all their stakeholders, are winning, and making bigger profits. According to Gallup, “Companies that engage their employees and customers gain a 240 percent boost in performance related business outcomes”. Increasingly our clients are redirecting marketing dollars into empowering their people. Return on investment has included a 16 percent year-on-year sales increase and the HR innovation award for the most innovative project for Mitre 10.

The following are three ways that video can be harnessed by organisations to create internal change which, in turn, drives external results:

Empower employees to think on their feet

  • By including your employees as active participants, encouraging them to share their hopes, concerns, problems and solutions you demonstrate that their opinions are valued. Your video then becomes a conversation starter, forming the hub around which water cooler conversations occur, creating real change from the ground up.
  • Mainfreight used this approach on a safety video made by Real TV. “The distribution of the video aided our team in identifying existing hazards in the workplace they had previously become ‘normalised’ to.” Martin Devereux, Group Manager, Team Development, Mainfreight.

Create trust in the leadership team

  • By sharing the emotive story behind your business: who started it and why, what challenges have been encountered, what has gone right, what actions the leadership team has taken to make it a success, and the vision for the future you create a real sense of pride in the organisation. It demonstrates that the leadership team has what it takes to make things happen inspiring trust and collaboration.
  • When Noel Leeming rebranded it decided to use an emotive history video to launch the new vision. In the words of one employee, “It was amazing. Honestly the energy, the charisma. It’s just great. I can’t wait to get on the floor.”

Creating agile teams that can adapt to change

  • By allowing your employees to raise objections and hear your answers they feel heard and included in the decision-making process. You then have their buy-in and they experience the same burst of energy you do in order to make it a success.
  • When Mitre 10 changed a brand of product in their stores we filmed an employee asking the leadership team those hard-hitting questions. We were then able to craft a video that explained the ‘why’ behind the decision. This video helped stores to understand the bigger picture and get onboard with the change more quickly.  
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