October 28, 2006

IN TOUCH : Our global future

Blink and you could fall into Whole New Mind – come next February 9 when four leading global thinkers head this way for networking opportunity in Auckland. One is Malcolm

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IN TOUCH : On Good Advice

Members of the Australasian Institute of Enterprise Facilitators New Zealand (AIEF) have recently received approval from the NZIM executive to attend NZIM courses throughout the country. The AIEF is non-profit

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IN TOUCH : How to get engaged

Lack of workplace engagement is both endemic and costly with one survey estimating annual financial loss due to disengagement of managers and employees in America at around US$300 billion. So

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IN TOUCH : Daring to care

Someone in your office is upsetting others with thoughtless put-downs. Should you confront them with the results of their behaviour? It’s not an easy question and comes with whole bunch

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