March 25, 2009


Mark Berry The Commerce Commission has welcomed Commerce Minister Simon Power’s announcement of the appointment of Dr Berry, specialist in competition law and economic regulation, as its new chair. He

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REMUNERATION: Redundancy And Your Next Remuneration Package – Making It Work For You

If redundancy is looming in your vicinity, you may be forgiven for thinking that the salary package for your next job is the last thing you should be considering right now. Your focus is much more likely to be on negotiating an exit package, if and when you are compelled to do so. But, as Janet Ison explains, this is actually the perfect time to work out what you want in your next package.

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Rebecca Purdy is the owner of Product Placement, nationwide promotional sampling company with over 500 contractors in 14 regions throughout New Zealand. Primarily working on FMCG clients both in supermarkets

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Soros: The World’s Most Influential Investor • Robert Slater • McGraw Hill • RRP: $50.00 It is little unfortunate that Soros: The World’s Most Influential Investor closes with this paragraph

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ECONOMICS: A Tale Of Two Messages

The Key Government hasn’t disabused those of us who imagined it will use fiscal policy to stimulate the economy and help see us through deepening recession. It enthuses publicly about

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EDITOR’S LETTER: Making The Grade

Corporate governance is continuing to develop in New Zealand according to the fourth annual “Directions – Understanding Governance” survey. That’s the good news. The not so good news is that,

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AGENDA: 10 Questions For Boards

Many company board meetings fall into predictable pattern of procedure-driven activity, with excessive time given to reports from the audit, compensation, transactions, and other committees. Even in today’s Sarbanes-Oxley and

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FACE TO FACE: Geoff Bascand: Telling it like it is

In today’s deepening financial gloom you’d think the chief purveyor of statistics might feel like a harbinger of bad news, but government statistician Geoff Bascand is optimistic about New Zealand’s future. And he has the figures to back that view. by Vicki Jayne

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INTOUCH: Executive Pulse

Overall, do you believe New Zealand is doing enough to manage climate change? New Zealanders overall Yes34% No41% Don’t know25% Business decision makers Yes40% No46% Don’t know14% Source: ShapeNZ national

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