7 rules to rock with

In Rules of the New Millennium, Winston Marsh outlines few guidelines:
1. Be better marketer of what you do, than doer of what you do.
2. Focus on winning bigger customer share rather than winning bigger market share.
3. Pay for the profits people generate, rather than for them merely turning up.
4. Measure what gets done. If there’s no performance measurement what’s the point of performing.
5. Aim to own the client database and you will own the business.
6. Regard time as currency. In fast moving world time and time saving is now highly valued.
7. Leverage your resources. Where does the smallest amount of effort produce the maximum result?

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Business benefits of privacy

Privacy Week (13-17 May) is a great time to consider the importance of privacy and to help ensure you and your company have good privacy practices in place, writes Privacy

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