Trevor Eagle
Prominent business-man Eagle is the new chairman of the NZ High Tech Council. The founder and managing director of Eagle Technology, he is also chairman of Aquagas International, member of the NERF Assessment group, the Massey University Advisory board, Unitech Honours board, and Technology for Business Growth. He replaces John Ball, who was the inaugural chair following the High Tech Council’s formation in November last year.
Bill Trestrail
Technology firm SGI has appointed Tres-trail as managing director of Australia and New Zealand.
Prior to this he was national sales manager, corporate and government at SGI Australia.
David Gibson
Deutsche Bank New Zealand has appointed Gibson as vice president of its investment banking division. He has worked with Lion Nathan International, and was senior member of the investment banking team at Cameron and Company.
Andy Godfrey
Manukau Institute of Technology’s Inter-national MBA pro-gramme director Godfrey has been appointed adjunct professor in the Graduate College of Management at Australia’s Southern Cross University.
Michael Bradbury, Bruce Bennett
Unitec has appointed Bradbury as professor of accounting. He was previously accounting professor at the University of Auckland. Meanwhile, Unitec’s head of accounting, Bennett has been made Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Corporate Management.
Brent Ellison
SAP has appointed Ellison to the new position of e-business architect, respon-sible for developing electronic business opportunities for SAP in New Zealand. He has 20 years’ experience in telecommunications and IT in New Zealand, Australia and the UK. He developed Telecom’s payphone business and range of Internet commerce products for Telecom Xtra.
Neil Ranford
Richina Pacific has appointed Ranford as CEO of Mainzeal Property and Con-struction Limited. He has 30 years exper-ience in the construc-tion industry, as consultant and as general manager of Fletcher Development and Construction.
Dan Meiklejohn
Freightways Ex-press has appointed Meiklejohn as general manager Post Haste.
He succeeds Dean Bracewell who was recently promoted to managing director at Freightways Express.

Simon Hema, Kai Taylor
The Sheraton has appointed Hema as corporate sales manager and Taylor as reception manager. Hema has been with the Sheraton l8 months, and has vast experience in all hotel areas.

Kerry Finnigan
Elders Finance ap-pointed Finnigan as its new CEO. He was formerly Bayleys Real Estate finance direc-tor, and has also worked in merchant banking in London, specialising in corporate analysis, mergers and acquisitions.
Peter Batcheler
Electrical accessory supplier HPM has appointed Batcheler as general manager. He was former general manager of James Hardie Build-ing Systems and also worked with Fletcher Challenge.
Bruce Gordon
EVentures New Zealand has appointed Gordon as CEO of its first business venture, E-LOAN, one-stop home loan reseller. E-LOAN will let customers compare home loan options online. Gordon was previously chief manager of Electronic Banking at the Bank of New Zealand.
Heather Baigent
Baigent has joined Cambridge Con-sulting Services as executive search and management specia-list. She is former diplomat with postings in Samoa, Indonesia and China.
Angela Scott
Centre Stage of New Zealand has appointed Scott as its new international sales manager. Centre Stage is joint marketing collective between the regional tourism organisations of Wellington, Wairarapa, Marlborough and Nelson, working to market the centre of New Zealand internationally.
Stephen Yao, Robert Clow
Informix has appointed Yao as intelligence manager, responsible for managing business intelligence and web solutions business. Clow has joined as consultant, to deliver web and business intelligence solutions.
Rob Beattie
Walker Wireless has appointed Beattie as technical operations manager. Prior to this he held senior roles in Netway Communications and Telecom, managing key strategic voice, data and Internet platforms.
Ian Sivyer
American Express International (NZ) has appointed Sivyer as its new finance relationship leader.

Wayne Smith
Smith has joined PSM Healthcare as national sales manager.
Rhonda Katene-Hill
Waikato-based print firm Print House has appointed Katene-Hill as sales manager.
Charles Worth, Susan Turton
CST Management Manukau City chartered accounting practice has appointed Worth as partner, and Turton as associate.
Reg Priestley
Atlantis Marketing has appointed Priestley as its business development manager.

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Xero appoints new Chief People Officer

Xero has appointed Jeff Ryan as its Chief People Officer, to replace Nicole Reid, who has decided to leave Xero after six years. Ryan will be responsible for leading Xero’s people

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