Creating innovative organisations

For those wanting to put the theory of innovation into practice, help is at hand. Auckland University of Technology is running seminar called “Developing Innovative Organisations”, to be held at the Sheraton Hotel, Auckland, on June 16. The event brings mix of people from local and global innovative organisations who will describe how innovative thinking on challenge helped their companies build strong positions in their respective markets.
Speakers include Wendy Pye, founder of The Wendy Pye Group, leading educational publisher who’s sold 188 million books globally; Barbara Chapman, general manager, marketing and human resources of ASB Bank the country’s most technology advanced bank; David Crown from new media company Terabyte Interactive.
Sony will be represented by CEO Rex Chandler, Vodafone NZ by managing director John Rohan, 3M NZ by Michael Thomas, and Oracle NZ by Howard Wilson. This seminar is targeted at chief executives, senior and line managers, R&D specialists, human resource staff, consultants and academics, says organiser Roy Smollan, senior lecturer at AUT.

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Business benefits of privacy

Privacy Week (13-17 May) is a great time to consider the importance of privacy and to help ensure you and your company have good privacy practices in place, writes Privacy

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