Get results from your committee

1. Be sure you need the committee
Don’t use one if:
* there isn’t enough time or expertise for the committee to operate effectively
* the focus can’t be handled through group discussion. For example, policy formulation, problem solving and planning are appropriate for committees. Managerial functions or research often aren’t, and in such cases survey, delegation, consultancy or task force might be best.

2. Define the assignment
A committee must know its purpose, defined through written terms of reference. This is presented as tasks or goals completed by deadline. Also, to whom is the committee reporting, how will it report, and what resources are there?

3. Choose the chair carefully
A committee’s success is clearly linked to the skill of its chairperson. An effective one plans meetings, prepares and distributes agendas, presents proposals, conducts meetings, and guides the thinking of members.

4. Appoint good members
* Willing workers provide greatest harmony and productivity long term.
* Appoint members according to skills, strengths, energy and commitment to accomplish the task.
* Get balance in age, gender, experience, and positive and negative views.

5. Record and report
Agendas and written minutes of meetings are fundamental to committee’s productivity. They stimulate members to reach conclusions, call for follow-up actions, and provide permanent record for future reference.

6. Evaluate regularly
It’s important to write an evaluation process into the life of all committees.

7. Don’t forget
*Check that over time, your committees don’t become more concerned with maintenance rather than developmental aspects.
* Provide feedback to the committee to preserve morale and educate members on management thinking.

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Paying with your face

Imagine walking into a store, picking up your items and paying just by looking at a screen. This is already a reality in China thanks to facial recognition payment technology.

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