DECEMBER SSUE OUT NOW Rolling into 2020 It is hard to believe we are nearing the end of the year. Call it an age-related problem, but the years really do
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DECEMBER SSUE OUT NOW Rolling into 2020 It is hard to believe we are nearing the end of the year. Call it an age-related problem, but the years really do
In terms of retention, market data might make it clear why people are leaving, or point to there being more work to do elsewhere. Meanwhile, remuneration for new roles can
Lifelong learning has become something we hear repeatedly, but that shouldn’t deflect from the fact that in today’s fast-changing world, nobody is immune from the need to keep learning and
A social licence to operate means focusing first on doing the right thing, and only then being concerned with being seen to do the right thing. By Dwayne Alexander. In
It is becoming clearer that directors have a legal as well as moral imperative to consider climate change in their decision-making, says Cathy Parker. The Aotearoa Circle Sustainable Finance Forum obtained
Speaking to a team member about their hair colour, numerous piercings or inappropriate dress can be very tricky. Jackie O’Fee outlines how to start the conversation. “So, how do you
The key to a modern workplace is to make it a place where employees want to be and you’re already a step ahead in attracting and retaining talent, writes Graham
How to get rid of a toxic culture Moving from ‘she’ll be right’ to ‘is she/he okay?’ Catering for today’s workforce with tomorrow’s office A changing world of business education
NOVEMBER ISSUE OUT NOW Taking personal charge of your digital footprint As the digital world encroaches further and further into our daily physical lives, and as our personal digital footprints
In today’s hyper-connected online world, any damage to your reputation stays around pretty much forever, so it is even more important to guard your reputation. By Cathy Parker. A key
It’s important to understand the practices applying to gender and pay in your organisation to minimise the likelihood of engagement in a formal pay equity settlement process, says Catherine Fitzsimons.
Whether ‘big A’ Agile is achieved or not is largely dependent on the operating culture and leadership capability of any organisation trying to implement it, writes Frank Harkin. The owner
How would our leadership appointments change if we looked for competence, humility and courage, before judging on how confident someone appears? By Megumi Miki. In a Harvard Business Review (HBR)
Having a few people in your organisation who are skilled with data is no longer sufficient. We’re reaching the point where being able to understand and manipulate data is becoming
If you are a more mature worker, the big question is what do you wear to still look current without looking as if you are trying to be “down with
Empathy is like a muscle – use it or lose it. If Barack Obama, Bill Gates and Sheryl Sandberg can make time for reading fiction, what excuse do you have?
Five everyday exercises for building empathy The data revolution: Why your organisation needs to lift its data game. Agile: It is all about trust Managing for a better world
OCTOBER ISSUE OUT NOW The way we communicate is changing so very profoundly. With family and friends overseas it is all through Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, Instagram, Google Hangouts, Apple Facetime
Disclosing the remuneration range when advertising a position may encourage more high-quality candidates to apply, writes Krista Kelland. Defining a remuneration range before advertising a role promotes transparency and equity
It pays to remember that a workplace health and safety prosecution is a criminal offence, says Cathy Parker, as she outlines why vehicles account for 73 percent of workplace fatalities.
Technological progress need not eliminate jobs; automation can allow new and expanded worthwhile activities, writes Nik Green. Technology can have many different effects on the labour market – it can
Recent research has found New Zealanders rank work-life balance at number two in what they want from an employer and yet the perception is work-life balance is not a high
To succeed in today’s world, leaders need to be flexible and empathetic, says Zac de Silva, who also sees leadership evolving to offer a more personalised approach to managing each
We all have unconscious expectations of what a person in a certain role should dress like and if that expectation isn’t met, it can make us question if that person
As mental health resources across the country are set to receive a boost in government funding, business leaders have an important role in supporting the mental health of their workforce.
SEPTEMBER ISSUE OUT NOW A new take on workplace design The images of the thousands of hectares ablaze in the Amazon, “the lungs of the world” has prompted in international
Having a visible volunteering commitment in your organisation is important for recruitment and retention, writes Sally O’Brien. Back in the day employee benefits might include health insurance, life insurance,
As the future of work becomes today’s reality, the way we work continues to evolve and shift, as more people become self-directing and self-selecting in their roles. And this means
There is a huge amount of data out there in the area of pay. The challenge is not only getting to grips with the better information but also understanding the
A recent amendment to the UK Companies Act now requires directors to act with regard to the long-term and in making decisions stipulates they look at employee interests, business relationships
Workplace design is a powerful tool to cultivate a growth mindset. To achieve this, architects need to operate at the intersection of organisational policies, brand values, employee profile and wellness
Current research on neuroplasticity and adult learning suggests adults are more malleable than we might previously have believed and given the right conditions, we can rewire our brains. By Kate
Diversity in your organisation is important, and in many cases, critical.
As technology becomes more pervasive across every aspect of our private and business lives, it is also having a big impact on how companies optimise their use and deployment of
As not-for-profit organisations grow, different skill sets are required on the board. With more than 100,000 not-for-profits (NFPs) in New Zealand the chances are most people in governance roles cut
Could business succession be on the horizon for your organisation this year? For many New Zealand business owners, their enterprise is very important to them. The business has been nurtured
If you want to be wanted, right now and into the future, Jane McCarroll has a few ideas. The other day, right out of the blue, my partner was approached
Chances are, if you are a high achiever, you could also be excelling in burning yourself out. By Mela Lush. Do you love your job and pride yourself in going
If you don’t ‘fit’ the dress standard of your organisation and don’t want to remedy that, it may be that this isn’t the right place for you to work. By
Each hour of the workday is not created equal. Time of day has a dramatic impact on the quality of our decision-making, thanks to a concept called decision fatigue. Amantha
JULY ISSUE OUT NOW Productivity is a very personal thing and we all like to think we are as productive as we can, and should, be. But there are always
With the New Zealand International Convention Centre in Auckland and Te Pae Christchurch expected to open in 2020, and Wellington Convention and Exhibition Centre now in the planning, New Zealand
Born between 1995 and 2015 Generation Z is the first to have 24/7 unfettered access to portable digital devices. The rise of technology and social media during their short lives
Incentive programmes with provision for clawback mean that when executives miss targets, their bonuses could be withdrawn, writes John McGill. A topic that draws mixed opinions, determining executive remuneration, can
Once the very open-minded younger generations start filling our management and governance roles we can only hope that the need for discussions around diversity, homo and trans phobia and gender
What more do we need to do to build inclusion and embrace diversity and how do we model this in the organisations we lead? It has to start at the
A new study has found that many consumers are asking if they can trust the technology companies designing, developing and deploying digital services. Do these companies understand their responsibilities? Russell
A well written and gender balanced dress code can set a high standard of dress for both men and women, but can you insist on the wearing of tights and
If you manage a team, there are three simple micro-productivity tactics you can try that will have a dramatic impact on your team’s performance, writes Amantha Imber. Every minute of
The well-publicised comments by Israel Folau recently highlight something many businesses must deal with daily. Your staff may not be as high profile, but the issues are just as thorny,
A recent Mental Health Foundation survey found that high workloads, poor work/life balance and stressful work are three causes of poor mental health in the workforce. So what can your
A financial focus is unlikely to capture all the value a leader might generate, writes Kate Kearins. For many years, mainstream business researchers have focused on identifying the factors that
When it comes to cyber security issues, the question CEOs and their boards need to ask is not, ‘are we okay?’ But, ‘how do we know we are okay?’ By
How do you pack your small travel bag for multiple work events/meetings and cities? By Jackie O’Fee. I have a very successful and busy friend who travels the world for
Your rewards strategy needs to take into account wh at your employees value, which means considering ‘out-of-the-box’ benefits, writes John McGill. Creating a winning reward strategy is about more than
Mobilise citizens to rein in social media giants How do you know you are ok? The bottom line of trust Let’s talk about our feelings Governance Remuneration Managing for a
It’s a very normal part of today’s work environment to be cycling through multiple tasks and thought streams in quick succession. Often this rush can feel invigorating but sometimes it’s
If you want to practice good corporate social responsibility then you need to ensure that there is nothing you still do in your business that is, in fact, the antithesis
Diversity and inclusion are two different things. Employing people from different backgrounds, with different perspectives, does not mean they will have a voice. By Alida Raubenheimer-Coetzer. What is great
Business plays a vital role in opening up opportunities to recognise and use the expertise and experience sitting within our refugee community. So how can business can make the necessary
If you own your own business and are moving from smaller clients to work with corporate clients, do you have to change your fashionable, youthful aesthetic? By Jackie O’Fee. I’ve
It is in times of crisis – especially crises that carry with them basic issues of survival and morality – that we most feel in need of leadership to help
CEOs across the spectrum of New Zealand’s business sector are very clear on what they want in their top team – they want them performing as one cohesive, integrated unit.
Leadership lessons from Christchurch Collective CEO wisdom on managing a top team New Zealand’s untapped talent pool Great leaders need courage and diversity Corporate Style Remuneration Strategy Virtue signalling.
Responsible investing, from both an economic and social perspective, is much more closely linked to health and safety than a lot of people realise. In a recent discussion with WorkSafe
APRIL ISSUE OUT NOW The horrendous events in Christchurch have scarred our country forever and in the days since then the outpourings of grief and love and care have put our
Workplace literacy leads to improved performance, less errors, less waste and fewer problems with health and safety as well as improved behaviours, compliance, teamwork and communication, writes Jane McCarroll. Literacy
How the performance of the top management team is dealt with is critical, because it’s absolutely linked with organisational success. By John McGill and Ann Hutchison. Dr Ann Hutchison, senior
It seems that in the past couple of years giving a hug as a greeting or farewell has become quite the norm in business…
New local research investigated the extent to which data analytics is influencing managerial decision-making…
Aspiring CEOs need to be careful what they wish for; the job has its downsides too, writes Roger Jones, quoting a seasoned CEO.
How to turn stress into success once you reach the top Why are leaders trusting their gut instinct over analytics? And what to do about it Professional development guide: constant
When Management spoke to Reserve Bank Governor, Adrian Orr, in mid-December, it had been a long year. He had moved straight into the Reserve Bank role in March 2018 without
Our skills can come from everywhere. Learning from experience is the educational wave of the future, says Jane McCarroll.
Setting strategy is a key for business governance, especially when the business is facing disruption or potential disruption in today’s VUCA environment, writes Cathy Parker.
An important part of the conversation around pay structures is how to make them transparent within the organisation and to what extent that should be facilitated. By Christine Whelan.
There are some real warning signs in the life insurance review for all boards, particularly around setting codes of conduct, tone and culture from the top, says Kirsten Patterson. The
Sometimes an outfit can help you bring your alter ego to the workplace to give you that little bit of extra courage you might need for an important meeting or event. By Jackie O’Fee.
If you look up the phrase “leaders should find people who complement them,” Google may just show you results for “leaders should find people who compliment them.” Funny – or
Putting trades on the table Governance Strategy Managing for a better world Life Online Corporate Style
The New Zealand Institute of Management, the professional association for managers in New Zealand, and the Institute of Managers and Leaders, Australia’s peak body for managers and leaders, have joined
Is the person you are sending out into the world each day, the person you think you are? Jackie O’Fee outlines a simple tool she teaches her clients to use every day.
FEBRUARY ISSUE OUT NOW As we race into 2019 one thing is sure and that is that the pace of change is unlikely to slow down and leaders are going
Your human-ness is what we need in the age of AI, write Darren Levy and Alex Hanlon.
It is key to remember that the diversity discussion is not just around gender balance but looking at other diversities such as ethnicity, disability or sexuality, writes Cathy Parker.
In a world of selfies, status updates, emojis and self-promotion leadership grounded upon kindness sounds revolutionary. We need more of it, writes Jane McCarroll.
Staying on top of emerging developments and issues is a continuing challenge for directors. With 2019 about to kick into top gear Kirsten Patterson offers some thoughts about the future of work from a governance perspective.
If there is no choice but to match a competitor’s lower prices, then the “cost to serve” must also be reduced, to maintain acceptable margins, says Paul Allen who sees business lessons to learn from the movie Apollo 13.
Data from Formula One crashes helps explain how high-stakes collisions with workplace rivals happen. By Henning Piezunka, Wonjae Lee, Richard Haynes and Matthew S. Bothner. An undeniable part of Formula
Companies often approach organisational change in terms of structure, such as managerial reporting lines, but what they really want is a change of behaviours between people. By Yee-Wei Ooi.
The Margin Rescue Are you on a collision course with a workplace rival? Dispelling the AI myths Be human. Be kind. Be both. Governance Strategy Managing for a better world
Management Magazine strives to inspire New Zealand leaders today with forward thinking that helps them define who they are as a leader and helps them understand how they can become a better leader.