
Management December 2015

Megatrends: Forget the future – it’s already here

As every CEO knows the pace of change today is unprecedented; it’s either disrupt or be disrupted. 

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Management November 2015

A new generation of cyber risks: Is New zealand ready for what’s coming?
Building a highly engaged workforce
Repositioning for relevance

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Management October 2015

Emergency response

When things turn ugly, when you, or your family, are in need of immediate help and rescue, chances are one of the 11 rescue helicopter trusts around the country will be ready to come to your aid.

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Authentic leadership

If we all strived to operate from a place that respects who we are as individuals, in an ethical manner with integrity in our business dealings, can you imagine the type of leaders we could be for others and, ultimately, ourselves, asks Fiona Hewitt.

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The long road to green

No longer the stuff of futuristic fiction, electric vehicles and hybrids are an accepted part of the motoring scene across the globe; plugin, charge up and drive away. 

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Managing content overload

If you are already suffering from content overload, by 2020 the amount of information on the web is estimated to increase by 600 percent. Fiona Powell offers useful ways to manage and filter your digital reading.

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Fearless leadership

New Zealand leaders need to reinvent, reimagine, explore, create, heal, inspire. Sina Wendt-Moore says that fearless leaders have a responsibility to embrace life, influence it, change it, shake things up – make this world a better place and make a difference.

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Management July 2015

Leading with the head and the heart 

Commissioner of Police Mike Bush is a career policeman, starting out as a raw 17-year-old straight from school.

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Breaking free from the blinders of strategy

To be successful in today’s disrupted business reality, managers must learn to break free from the restraints of textbook strategies and look beyond the blinders of products, competition and company boundaries. By Suvi Nenonen and Kaj Storbacka.

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Supporting a brave culture

We need to encourage acts of bravery so that if change is initiated and success isn’t achieved straight away – it isn’t a failure. It’s simply a step in the direction of improving and ultimately obtaining fresh and innovative results. By Fiona Hewitt.

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Getting fit for the future

A half day conference offered a wealth of sustainability thinking, including a quick demonstration of how saying “no but” de-energises, and how the alternative “yes and” quickly leads to a plethora of possibilities, says Kate Kearins.

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The power of change

The need to constantly adapt could become a natural part of our everyday world, giving us not only the capability to understand and to cope, but the willingness and openness to evolve as well.

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Management May 2015

Why diversity is today’s most important management performance issue

Diversity of thought is needed around every possible management and board table, according to Sovereign CEO Symon Brewis-Weston.

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Breaking the badness

For any organisation, workplace bullying leads to less organisational commitment, demotivation, job dissatisfaction and higher levels of absenteeism and resignations. 

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Facing up to aggressive cybersecurity attacks

Although the frequency of a cybersecurity attack on a large scale is low, by 2018, 40 percent of large enterprises will have formal plans to address aggressive cybersecurity business disruption attacks, up from zero percent in 2015, according to a research and advisory firm, Gartner, Inc. 

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Meet the YouTube generation

The YouTube generation offers brands and businesses an opportunity for collaboration to reach younger and niche audiences – as well as an insight into the minds and hearts of Gen Y and Z, says Fiona Powell.

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More than just me: The power of contribution

Studies show that unconditional contribution to the wider community strongly contributes to healthier relationships, higher job satisfaction and can add an additional 10 years to life expectancy. So, says Fiona Hewitt, by doing good – you feel good too.

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Management unplugged

In today’s always-on world it’s important technology is managed effectively to ensure that its benefits aren’t outweighed by increased stress levels and the idea that you need to be “always on”. Both employers and employees have a responsibility to set some boundaries, writes Patricia Moore.

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What global CEOs think

Fewer global CEOs than last year think global economic growth will improve over the next 12 months, although confidence in their ability to achieve revenue growth in their own companies remains stable.

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Work those strengths

It may be much more impactful to identify the five or six areas in which you are most talented and to find a way to leverage these, rather than look to develop areas in which you are not naturally gifted, says Douglas Lang

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The art of constant correction

The habit of constant correction allows us to drive greater performance and results, over an extended period of time, with smaller and more realistic actions that we can improve on without it appearing a significant leap or change, says Fiona Hewitt.

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On board the business of hope

More and more companies are making a conscious effort to put sustainable practices into action and more and more consumers really care about conscious capitalism. Here is what one charity is achieving with the help of both large and small New Zealand businesses.

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Management March 2015

Cover Story
Building vibrant new communities
Simon Challies, Ryman Healthcare’s managing director, has a straightforward management philosophy and it’s doing him proud.

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Aligning corporate strategy with financial targets

Whether managing a SME or a large corporation, business success naturally flows from investing in the right growth opportunities to build shareholder value. Strategy is fundamental to maximising value, and businesses must develop a meaningful strategic framework. 

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Read and be curious

That’s the advice of
Mike Lewis, winner of the Deloitte Top 200, NZIM/ Eagle Technology Young Executive of the Year Award for 2014.

By Kevin Kevany.

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Management February 2015

Cover Story 

Leading Serko
“If you can communicate the story, then you can front the business. If you can’t, you need to step aside.”
Darrin Grafton, CEO of Serko on travel, tech and talking the talk.

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